Watch the Alpha 3 Livestream

Catch up and check out the recording of our Alpha 3 community livestream on the 4th of December 2024 on Twitch.

Our game designer Jeremy showcased the new Alpha 3 features, Ben went through the first feedback we got from the community, and Nuria collected your questions for Jeremy to discuss them during the livestream. 
The community weighs in with their questions and the Devs do their best to answer them. 

We answer questions regarding potential new content down the road, new assets, planes and such, and discuss the roadmap ahead of the upcoming release year. 

Ground of Aces will release in 2025 and we would love to include the community in as many aspects as possible until then. Building in the community feedback is essential which is why we would enjoy these livestream events. 

Thank you for your question and to anyone who tuned it!