What About Historical Accuracy in Video Games? Hear our Game Designer of Ground of Aces Discuss this Question in this TactiCon Panel

Gamers enjoy realism in game and accuracy, especially when it comes to historical games. Creating a game that can replicate history is an art in itself which is not easy to build. There is often a trade-off where accuracy has to be dialed down in favor of a fun experience. But where is this line drawn and how do you define where to start and stop at the cutbacks. Video game producers have been asking this question since the inception of games. 

Do you want to know how we approach historical accuracy in video games and in Ground of Aces? Our lead game designer and lead creative director Jeremy was part of the TactiCon panel “For better and for worse: Historical Accuracy within Strategy games”. How much historical accuracy in needed for a good game and how much needs to be sacrificed in order to maintain an exciting gameplay experience for the player? How much realism in war games is actually ethical and useful for the gamer’s experience? 

All these questions are discussed with leading game developers in the industry. 

Who will be there to discuss historical accuracy in video games?

Listen to Nick Tannahill from Firefly Studios, Dietmar Schöberl from Puntigames, Jeremy Spillmann from Blindflug Studios, and James Brooksby from Absolutely Games who all share their ideas and experiences. Each expert shares their experience on how accuracy in video games impact the gameplay and the experience. 

You can watch the whole panel here: