Surprise update: ALPHA 2 of Ground of Aces is available now!

We have reached another milestone: Alpha 2 of GROUND OF ACES is now available for our alpha supporters. With the input from the Alpha 1 testers, our team has been working on improving, polishing and expanding the game experience and the user interface design, while also adding new sound effects, minor events, animations and features like the emotional morale system and terraforming tool. Now you can make your airbase even nicer and more organized, and your crew and pilot can experience more emotions and reactions.

If you’re already an alpha supporter: Simply update your version of GROUND OF ACES on Steam. You also want to be part of the exclusive alpha and shape the development of the game with your feedback and input?

What is new in the Alpha 2:

  • New terraforming feature

  • Emotional morale system

  • Lots of improvements of the user interface and user experience and quality-of-life adjustments based on the feedback we received from the Alpha 1 testers

  • Adjustments to the map

  • Balancing of harvesting / crafting / building system

  • Script your own missions! For this, you need to download Python and not be afraid of a bit of programming. More information here.

    Watch this video by our community manager Ben on how you can script your own missions in the Alpha 2:

And another big news is coming very soon, we have something special planned for the next week. Stay tuned!